Save the Date - Leve 2 Officials Course
When: February 12-13, 2022
Where: Saskatoon (in conjunction with Provincial Championships)
What: Level 2 Officials Course
Prerequisite: Level 2 requires previous Level 1 certification; you can take the Level 1 course on-line. The link to Nordiq Canada’s E-Learning site for Officials is Look for the Level 1 Officials Training – English or French link. If you haven’t registered on the Nordiq Canada’s e-Learning Site for Officials before, there are instructions on how to create a a new account before registering for the Level 1 course.
Registration: (Key is SK211)
Who should take this course and why?
This course is designed to train Level 1 Cross Country Ski Officials to the Level 2 category. Level 2 Officials at a race event are the “Chiefs” who are responsible for small volunteer teams (e.g. “Chief of Start”, Chief of Stadium, etc). Attendees may also want to be more knowledgeable as a race volunteer without necessarily being in a Chief role.
It will be a unique experience as the course is being delivered the same weekend as athletes are competing at Provincial Championships.
It is important that clubs who wish to host future Sask Cup races or Provincial Championships continue to develop Level 1 Officials (for their individual roles as race volunteers), Level 2 Officials (race chiefs/supervisors) and Level 3 Officials (for Chief of Competition/Technical Delegate roles). Having knowledgeable and experienced volunteer Officials is a Cross Country Saskatchewan and Nordiq Canada expectation of host clubs – to assure delivery of an excellent race experience for the athletes.